Nerds are the only people worth knowing. That’s because the term “nerd” doesn’t refer to a person with a pocket protector and a particular style of horn-rimmed glasses. It doesn’t refer to people who are socially inept, or people who lack flare, gravitas, or presence.
There are computer nerds, botany nerds, word nerds, baseball nerds. There are design nerds, and porn nerds, and car nerds. Paint nerds, drug nerds, film nerds, wine nerds, carpentry nerds. Nerd is just a synonym for passion.
What do you think fantasy football is? It’s D&D for football players. It’s a group of guys, sitting around in someone’s den with Cheetos and Mountain Dew, scribbling on pieces of paper, and being upset when they lose. Er. “Lose.”
“I drafted so-and-so.” No you did not.
“I’ve got the defense of the Stealers, and Brett Favre as QB.” Yeah? Well my lvl 17 Night Elf mutliclass, has the constitution of a warrior, and the magic of an elementalist, plus a +8 Sword of Mighty Might.
And that's all I've got to say about that.